A favorable moving company that’s a no brainer! We built an app for Einstein and proposed new features to make the process even more seamless.
Einstein Moving Co.
2 weeks
Team of 5
Persona development
Information architecture
Feature development
Responsive mockups
Keynote presentation
One of life’s universal experiences is moving from one place to another. Our research suggests that this experience is stressful, time-consuming and overwhelming.
We designed a mobile app that reduces some of the anxiety and stress of moving by assisting users with obtaining a quick quote, booking a move, and using an organizing checklist tool.
einstein moving co.
Einstein Moving Co.’s goal is to build a seamless moving process. To understand what is needed to make moving easier, we must understand the people who are moving homes.
research phase
persona development
Our interviewees expressed that it is overwhelming and difficult to organize their move and that it can be a time consuming process to research moving companies, obtain quotes and finalize a booking.
user persona
5 interviews • 40 survey results • 4 user tests
“I’d describe my last move as mentally and physically exhausting.”
Celeste, 51
“I start packing like 3 days before a move because moving is hard and I put it off until I can’t anymore.”
Andrew, 29
feedback and prioritization
While our research opened doors to a plethora of possibilities, we organized and arranged which features would be most beneficial to both the consumer and the company in the most cost effective way.
affinity diagram
swift quotes / smooth booking process / moving checklist
We took information we received from interviews and surveys then combined and categorized them.
From that, we were able to find potential solutions to the most craved after problems per the consumers. We took our potential solutions and mapped them out in a feature prioritization map (see below). This helps us visualize the needs of both the users and the stakeholder.
feature prioritization map
design phase
early sketching
Some of our rough sketches before building lo-fi prototypes.
a/b testing
We ended up with two different versions of lo-fi prototypes for this app. We conducted a/b testing to see which was a more effective design.
key takeaways -
busier layout / uninterested in signing up before receiving quote / liked page numbers and step indication
key takeaways -
confusing calendar screens / navigation icons / reminder setup
user flow
From the feedback we received, version a was a more effective design. We took the faults of version b to ensure those issues do not arise, while improving the design on version a.
Below is the entire mapping of the moving app we created - our user flow includes logging in, instant quotes without logging in, features shown on homepage, and the process of booking with Einstein Moving Co.
user flow map
hi-fi prototype
With the app mapped out, all that was left was to build the high-fidelity wireframes. We applied the brand colors, and logo into our design.
brand colors
Applying the style guide above to our design, the hi-fi prototype was now complete.
digital wire-framing
Building out the wire-frame from our high fidelity prototype aids us in testing the functionality of the prototype.
final design
After testing and feedback, we ensured the final prototype included the following features and updates:
Instant access to quote - no sign up necessary until ready to book.
Calendar from Version A was implicated in design as we received positive feedback on this design.
Simplified navigation for easier use.
Asks permission to send notifications and allows user to set up reminders for checklist feature.
Allows users to stay on the same screen, while keeping information concise, under checklist feature. This avoids confusing pages and keeps the checklist organized - you can even mark items as completed, add your own custom items and set up reminders all in the same screen.
watch the final prototype here.
beyond the final design
Limited to 2 weeks, I would have loved to test our final design again and reiterate any necessary changes. I would have also enjoyed testing different designs and methods of organizing the checklist feature and home page to make navigating through the app easy and accessible, therefore bringing use to all things Einstein Moving Co. can provide.